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Wheeling Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program

The Wheeling Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program seeks to fund downtown commercial redevelopment, and catalytic urban neighborhood redevelopment projects. Wheeling Heritage received a Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior to create this program in 2021, and then for a second time in 2023 to continue the program. With each of these grants Wheeling Heritage was awarded $750,000 to fund this program and to subgrant to qualified projects. 

The objective of the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization grant program is to support the rehabilitation of historic properties at the National, State, and local level of significance in order to rehabilitate, protect, and foster economic development in rural communities (less than 50,000 population) through subgrants which come from States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, and non-profits able to support a competitive subgrant program. This program will fund preservation projects for historic sites to include architectural/engineering services (not to exceed 20% of the grant award) and physical preservation.

The purpose of the Wheeling Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program is to support the revitalization of Wheeling through the redevelopment of commercial downtown properties, and catalytic redevelopments in our urban neighborhoods. Download the program information below for a full explanation of the eligibility requirements.

Form Downloads

This round of applications has been closed.

Grant Submission and Due Date Requirements

The Wheeling Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program will accept applications twice annually until all funds are disbursed. Wheeling Heritage has $712,500 from the second round of funding we’ve received to award from 2024-2026 or until all funds are exhausted.

Wheeling Heritage will review and distribute awards after each round of applications.

A complete application must include:

A completed application form

 Completed and signed project narrative (see relevant continuation sheets)

A minimum of 3 letters of support for the project

5-10 photos illustrating need

Architectural drawings, engineering specifications, master plans or relevant renderings for the project

Financial assurances showing the applicant has adequate resources to execute the project

Estimates provided within the last 60 days for proposed work. Estimates must be provided for the entirety of funded expenses. Estimates must be on company letterhead, signed, and demonstrate the entity’s experience and ability to comply with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards.

For questions about the program, or if you need assistance completing this application, contact or call 304-232-3087.

Previous Recipients